thy blog owner.
Joyce Gian
Age : 22
Contact :
Soaring through, through the night.
Skyway Avenue - We The Kings
shortcuts to your dreams.
READ before you purchase.
* No Payment = No Order
* AT LEAST a 50% deposit is required for first payment.
* No back out from orders after payment is made to me.
* My supplier is not from Singapore.
* Therefore, orders will take 2-4weeks to arrive in Singapore after orders have been capped.
* Do not hurry me to close the spree. Spree will only close when 10 items is reached. If you cannot wait, please do not join.
* Bag Avenye will not be responsible if item is damaged, lost, or when supplier sends me the wrong item. But I will definitely make sure all the items are correct before ordering (I will show you proof of purchase as needed)
* Bags Avenue is not liable if items are lost in normal postage. No refund will be done in this case. Registered mail / Meet Ups is strongly encouraged to prevent loss of mail.
* Please be patient for your goods to arrive. Do not spam my email asking when your items will arrive.
* I truly believe all transaction should be based on mutual trust. If you do not trust me in getting the goods, please refrain from buying.
READ before you purchase.
Please send an email to with the following format
Name :
Contact number :
Item :
Quantity :
Total amount :
Mode of Collection : Meetup / Normal Mail / Registered Mail
Address : (for normal / registered mail)
Payment is to be made within 48 hrs after order is placed to
POSB Savings 137-26361-0
UOB Savings 355-384-746-8
After payment is made, please send a notify email with:
Date and Time Transferred:
From Account: (pls include IB nickname for IB transfer.)
To Account:
Amount Transferred:
Transaction Reference:
A confirmation email will be sent upon receiving of payment.
Small Leather Goods
Normal Postage - $2
Registered Mail - $4.50
I personally would only reccomend meetups for Bags, as if I post out the bag, I cannot assure you that the postman would fold the leather of the bag etc.
FREE delivery for purchases $150 above.
my testimonial.
I've personally made purchases from this supplier whom I'm ordering from and I only can say that the quality is superbly good.
Thats why I'm opening this blogshop to share this High Replicas with you babes.
None of my friends and colleagues doubt its authenticity, however these are only personal views.
"The products that we sell are 7 Stars Mirror Image Replicas, 99% same as the original ones but are not sold or represented as originals. They are for novelty purpose only. We guarantee that they are 100% brand new. Our replica handbags have all of the proper labeling in all the correct places, lining, locks and key set. The bags come with their dust bags, cards and serial numbers. Our products are the exact copy of the real thing. They look and smell just like the real one too."
your thoughts will be answered.
Q: Why are you encouraging the use of replica bags? It is so disgraceful!
A: First and formost, I am not afraid to say that I'm proud of my high replica bag, which cost only less than 10% of the original price yet looks like the real. Its not that I couldn't afford the real; its just not practical, at least for me. People around me always assume its authentic; but I'm not afraid to be truthful. Why? Because I feel that this is such a good deal. If I can get what I like which is of good quality at a good price, why not?
Q: What if you are a scammer?
A: You can just take my bank account number and lodge a police report. With internet, there is no problem to find my true identify. Please rest assured that I have no intentions of doing such stupid act. Why would I destroy the bright future that lies ahead of me? :)
its a big big world.